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Wednesday, November 28, 2007Y
Alan's House & Baby Hong Yi

We had a gathering at Alan's house on Saturday 24th Nov 07. I went over to Babe's house first to meet her because she was bringing her 3 kids so she needed some help. I reached her place about 2pm plus if I was right...then she drove to Alan's house. We reach Alan's house about 2.45pm I think....

When we reach his house, I rush for the food first. I was so damn hungry...hahahahaha.....after eating, we were watching Ghost Rider using WOWtv. I chatted with everyone a little here and there, Mr Kim turn up at Alan's house which was a surprise to me, he said he couldn't make it in the first place because he had reservist.

Then Babe and I played with Alan's son - Hong Yi, his son is so cute, chubby, so so fair and his cheeks were so so red.

Isn't Baby Hong Yi a cutie????

Weny and Sharon played with Babe's kids while I sit there and watch them play. It was so funny, they didn't want to share they tried to hide the pieces of colored blocks behind them or under their ass. But when I took out some sweets that Babe bought for them the day before, they all took the colored blocks and give me everything....hahahaha.....told you they are smart already!!!! Then I decided to take pics with them, kids are all little cuties now when they grow up, it will be a headache!!!!

Me with Ex/Current M2B IT Colleagues

Time for group picture!!!
(Missing fr Pic: Weny, Sharon, Nara, Jon, Kee Siang, Baby Hong Yi)

Me & Nara / Me & Tricia

With Flash & Without Flash (which one nicer?? Haha...)

After taking so many pics, Alan decided to play Scrabble. Alan + Jackie: 1 team, Sharon + Travis = 1 team, Me + Tricia = 1 team and Weny + Tristen = 1 team!! I suck big time at Scrabble and Sharon is just a pro at Scrabble!!! And of course, Sharon won the game, we played only one round. We all need to go home and practice more before we can play with Sharon again....hehehe.....

Weny & Me / Me & Sharon

Me & Alan / Me & The IT Guys!!!!!

Janice & Me!!

I took more photos with Weny, Sharon, Alan, Jackie, Shiann Haw & Janice. We left pretty late because we were deciding where we should go: movies or KTV?? We wanted to go KTV because we still have half a bottle of Chivas!!! But Jackie, Shiann Haw and Jan didn't want to go town so they went to Bukit Panjang Plaza while we head to town and went shopping.

Michie off to bed at 10:23 AM Photobucket

Wednesday, November 21, 2007Y
Part of your World

BroadwayWorld is having a competition, the theme is “Give Us Your Voice”. The contest represents a once-in-a-lifetime chance to go where no fans has gone before. One lucky winner (and a guest) will share in the excitement and magic of the Original Broadway Cast Recording Session. They’ll join cast and crew in the studios and see the show from two of the best seats in the house. My colleague found this video on youtube. This guy is damn talented!!! He is a guy but has a voice like a woman!!!! He can really sing those high pitch notes. Cool guy!! Thumbs up!!!!

And he is singing my favourite song too!! "Part of your World" from the cartoon - "The Little Mermaid" It's my all time favourite cartoon!!!!! Vote for him - http://www.broadwayworld.com/mermaidvote.cfm?id=121&vote=on

Lyrics for "Part of your World"-:

[Maybe he's right]
[Maybe there is something the matter with me]
[I just don't see how a world]
[That makes such wonderful things]
[Could be bad]

Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?

Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?

Look at this trove, treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here, you'd think
Sure, she's got everything

I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
I've got who's-its and what's-its galore
You want thing-a-mabobs?
I've got twenty
But who cares? No big deal. I want more

I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see 'em dancin'
Walkin' around on those
Whaddya call 'em? Oh, feet

Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far

Legs are required for jumpin', dancin'
Strollin' along down the
What's that word again? Street
Up where they walk
Up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free, wish I could be
Part of that world

What would I give if I could live

Outta these waters?
What would I pay to spend a day
Warm on the sand?

Betcha on land they understand

Bet they don't reprimand their daughters
Bright young women, sick of swimmin'
Ready to stand

And ready to know what the people know

Ask 'em my questions and get some answers
What's a fire, and why does it
What's the word? Burn

When's it my turn?

Wouldn't I love?
Love to explore that shore up above
Out of the sea, wish I could be
Part of that world

*Thinking of love stories...........*

Michie off to bed at 6:47 PM Photobucket

Wednesday, November 14, 2007Y
Movie Preview

At least finally I did something last week and didn't stay at home and rot again. Hahaha.....my friends had free tixs to the movie "The Kingdom" @ Lido. It's not out in cinema yet, it's a charity film premiere thingy that NFEC (National Fire & Civil Emergency Preparedness Council) is doing. It's alot of charity because one tix is about $25 bucks.

I met my sis at Lido and have dinner at "Pepper Lunch". Well, Pepper Lunch is not so fantastic, it's just like do it yourself teppanyaki. After eating dinner, we went to walk walk around Isetan first, I was looking for a name card holder. I saw one that is nice at Coach but it was so expensive, it is about $203 if I remember correctly. So I might need to consider first, so expensive, need to save up first!!!! I saw a few nice bags too, the designs are not bad but super expensive ranging from $200 bucks onwards. After walking around, we went to the Mac outside Mango to find Jeremy and gang, sat awhile then we went up to the cinema.

They were using one of their biggest cinema I think...it's Lido 1. The whole cinema was packed with people, there was suppose to be a Guest-of-Honour (Assoc Prof Ho Peng Kee: Senior Minister of State) but he didn't turn up because they just remove the mic from the stage. That minister must be late therefore there was no speech.....hahahahaha........

The show was supposed to start at 9pm but it didn't start till about 9.30pm or later, didn't really check what time the movie started. I was so bored waiting for the movie to start, I started taking pics as usual and disturbing assboy - Jeremy!!! He was playing PSP and I just pester the daylights out of him to take pics with me, in the end he lose the game and got pissed off and finally decided to take pics with me. Idiot! Then Ying Jing don't know how to smile at all so we had to take a 2nd pic but in the end don't know what is wrong with his mouth....LOL.....

Took pics with Sis.....

And of course, have to thank Yanli because she was the one with the free tixs for us. THANK YOU!!!! The show was great, so go catch the movie!!!!

I am rotting at home this weekend againz....how sad can that be??? Gone.........

Michie off to bed at 12:59 AM Photobucket

Monday, November 12, 2007Y
Monday Bluuuueeeessssss

Today is just a normal Monday for me.....same Monday blueeeeessssssss....I get every week.....hahahaha..........

But it's ok....soon it's CHRISTMAS again.....YIPPIE!!! My favourite day and month of the whole year!!! Hahaha....will be putting my christmas tree up this coming Saturday. I got to dig my storeroom first to find the tree and decorations....LOL....don't know where we kept the tree and decorations......so once I put the Christmas tree...I shall take pictures and post....this will be the first time I'm taking pictures of all the years I have been putting up my christmas trees....!!!! Putting up the Christmas tree has always been fun and joyful thing for me to do....I would be listening to Christmas songs and happily decorating the tree.....hahahaha......but the taking down of the tree is something I wouldn't want to do......LOL....it's always my parents would be doing it....hahahaha.......

Anyway, didn't do much today...went over to Raffles place to check out the stall that sells 2nd hand branded bags....with Babe. I didn't see anything I like and didn't manage to find the Gucci namecard case I am looking for....damnz!!!! I hope to find it soon....I like the design alot.....hmmmm......

Spend my whole evening surfing the net and face-booking as well....LOL....facebook has started to lag big time also....wondering if is it because I have too many applications *wondering...thinking...rolling eyes...*...haha...I need to stop adding applications already.

I found a website that has nice Nintendo DS themes as well so if anyone has a DS and would like to have nicer themes go check out this website <http://www.ndsthemes.com/browse/Both/3/61>. I guess everyone who knows me well enough would know what theme is my Nintendo DS having now....hahahaha.....

It took me hours to settle my DS theme....got some errors and the theme couldn't work, after going to different forums for help..finally then settled my DS themes....

Tomorrow is another day........

Michie off to bed at 11:54 PM Photobucket

Dad's Birthday Celebration

My parents came down to Singapore in October to celebrate my dad's birthday. My mom arranged to have dinner on 14 October at Thang Ying Restaurant. It's at Amara Hotel...Thai Food restaurant...it's abit high class but the food not bad. But for the price...I would rather go Bangkok and eat proper Thai food....LOL.......

some appetitzers: spring roll & prawn balls

Tom Yam Soup for everyone...this is good!!

Chicken Green Curry

Steamed Fish with Chilli

Fried Mixed Vegetable

Egg with Tomato Diced Chicken..if I,m remember correctly la...

Long Beans with Prawns Sambal

After the meal, we just chit chat and laugh abit because we were all so full and after awhile we left the table and told our parents that we needed to go as we have our own appointments....Dad didn't know that we had planned to go KTV for his birthday celebration as well....hahahaha...he also didn't know that the dinner was celebrating his birthday....LOL........so we cabbed down to Shenton Way PartyWorld to get the room first after we called Mom and told her the room number. Mom acted quite well also....hehehe....but we took some photos before leaving the table....

After he came into the room and saw us...he was shocked...then he knew what was happening...LOL.....damn funnie.....he was like...."I thought...you all had appointments..." look on his face....hehehe......we gave him the presents and cards........

Mom managed to call his friends....

After all the fun, laughter, singing, drinking, taking photos....we had to go home already because my bro has to book in the next day, he was so sianz at that point of time....hahahaha....no choice la...all guys need to serve NS....!!! But I believe everyone had fun that night..just by looking at photos....hehehehe.....

Michie off to bed at 12:20 AM Photobucket