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Monday, June 30, 2008Y

Today is a monday bluuuuueeeeeee for me. I was feeling very down today, didn't feel like talking to anyone at work. So I just stayed at my desk to do up my posters project, didn't walk much also.

I won't be able to go for my make up lesson tomorrow because need to stay back at work tomorrow to help my Office Manager. I just came back home, didn't stayed in office until 9pm plus before, it's my first time today but it's better to work at night though, quieter at night and no one to disturb me. I stayed back today to finish up my posters project finally it was done but still need to get approval from my boss and office manager. Hopefully, everything is ok when I show it to them tomorrow so I can send it for printing.

Anyway, I can't go for my cycling this week, kinda busy preparing for my company's financial year end and for our offsite conference @ Bintan this Friday and Saturday. Plus, I got my studies on Wednesday and Friday, I can't go for lessons because I won't be in Singapore. I will be on a ferry to Bintan @ 5pm. I definately will take photos and will post it when I,m back. Those who know me well enough know that I will definately take alot of photos!! Hahaha...it will all become my memories.....

Oh ya....I will be going back to my driving lessons this Thurs and Sunday. I want to faster get my driving license!!! Can't wait.....!! LOL......

Okies...going to do my other things already....

Michie off to bed at 10:36 PM Photobucket

Sunday, June 29, 2008Y
I,m Back

I,m back after so long, have not been posting for about 3 months and have changed my blogskin as well. I haven't had much time to blog because I am currently doing my part-time studies in Human Resource.

Well, I have done my 1st & 2nd modules of exam and guess what...I passed!!! I got 1 distinction and a B!!! I haven't got a distinction before and it definately feels good!!! Luckily my hard work and late nights have paid off well. Now currently doing 3rd & 4th modules, going to start studying hard again, exams are going to be in August!

Besides studying, my mom was in town to celebrate my birthday as well, I had my birthday celebration in Shenton Way PartyWorld KTV. Had lots of fun with my best friends and family. I,m growing older each day but I still do enjoy birthday celebrations!! When there is michie's celebration or whenever she is around, there is always HELLO KITTY!! Thks to Mom for the big Hello Kitty cakie. Didn't have the heart to eat but everyone wanted a piece of her...hahahaha...so no choice, had to cut her up but mom was kind enough to leave the Hello Kitty Head for me and brought it home. The cakie was delicious, everyone can buy polar cakes next time for their birthday celebration, its quite smooth and very soft cakie! My bro got me a Hello Kitty Fried Potato Chips because he wanted to try the chips....LOL....

Nothing much happen after my birthday celebration, I am just exercising more to keep fit and get ready for the "Shape Run" in July. I have been going to ECP for night cycling every twice a week and on Saturdays as well. I feel so contented and happy with myself and I am enjoying every minute of my life now.

I feel that if I were to go into a relationship now, I won't be able to do all the things I am doing now, definately there will be restrictions, arguements and many more. So I think I would like to continue enjoying my life as a single rather than being attached maybe I am not ready to commit to anyone yet. I haven't achieve my goals in my life yet, I would want to have a degree, my car license, earning more money, having a stable career and of course having a CAR!! Everytime I sit in a cab or I get nasty cab drivers, it becomes my determination to having my OWN CAR!! Always having bad experience with cabbie drivers and the cab fares now are crazy!

Anyway, there's about it all.....ciaos...

Michie off to bed at 10:21 PM Photobucket