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Tuesday, July 29, 2008Y
Weep Weep......

As you know DB....I was already so upset with what has happen over the weekends and felt so shitty and super duber upset this morning. I felt like crying, feeling so empty inside my heart and something is bothering me but didn't know what was it.

And finally, something just have to happen in office and I finally cried!!!! I couldn't hold on to my tears anymore so it just fell from my face. I do not want to say what has happen DB, I will put it behind me and it makes me stronger each time someone tries to hurt me deep.

I am off to bed DB.....Nites!! Hope tomorrow will be a better day for me..... :-)

Michie off to bed at 12:33 AM Photobucket

Sunday, July 27, 2008Y

I am feeling very upset....DB. I don't know how to express my feelings now but I think I have disappointed a few of my best friends.

I would just like to say SORRY to my friends. DB, I think I really let some people down. I really need to wake up and face up to reality already. Maybe all these while, I was just dreaming and refusing to wake up, keep lying to myself to make myself happy or am I really happy?? Am I too contradicting??

Anyway, I don't want to say much today DB....I am too tired already.....DB..I did say I wanted to post about my Hays Year End Conference @ Bintan and about the Shape Run 2008 but I don't have the mood to post it now, I will leave it for now and myabe the next couple of days DB...I won't be posting anything.

I am so upset DB, I wish you could help me in my current situation. Tell me DB...how can I be happy for real? How can I smile and laugh from my heart??

I,m going off now DB.....good nites!

Michie off to bed at 8:38 PM Photobucket

Thursday, July 24, 2008Y
Wisdom Tooth

Finally DB.....my wisdom tooth is out!! It wasn't that bad as I thought it will be though....hahahaha....I think yesterday night I cried because I woke up this morning with dried tears around my eyes.

I took a shower, got ready and headed to the dental clinic. When I reach, I sat awhile and waited for my doctor to be ready, me feeling all nervous and worried just waiting for him. After that he took me the the surgery room and explain to me what he is going to do to take out my wisdom tooth. After all the talking, he inject the anesthetics to my gums. It didn't hurt when he inject the anesthetics on the outter of my gums but it hurts abit on the inner gums!!!!

After a few secs, I felt my whole left cheek and gums super numb and my gums were swelling up inside. After awhile, he started to pluck my wisdom tooth, he was using like a mini stick to loosen the wisdom tooth before he pulls it out. I actually can feel him pulling, digging and plucking my tooth, at one point of time, I actually felt the pain but then the next thing I know he pulled the wisdom tooth out.

Then the doc asked me, do you want your tooth?? Then I was like...."hmmm......yea...why not....." Anyway, the tooth cost me $898 bucks!! So there it is....my tooth below....

After that, I went back to work and clear my stuffs. Some of my colleagues said that my tooth looks big!! Hahaha....I don't think it looks big but it looks abit weird. Anyway, I went home slightly earlier to rest because after the anesthetics subside, I started to feel the pain. And it is really painful though, the gums feels the sore and pain.

Will be going to work tomorrow and finish up somemore stuffs then will leave half day to come back and rest again. The tooth really hurts after I don't feel the numb anymore!!!!

That's about my wisdom tooth day!! Going to rest early today...nites DB!!!!

Michie off to bed at 8:48 PM Photobucket

Wednesday, July 23, 2008Y
Blank Mind...

I don't feel like writing anything much to you...DB today!!! I will update over the weekends, will update about Hays Conference 2007/08 @ Bintan and the Shape Run 2008!!!


Because DB I am plucking my wisdom tooth tomorrow!! Damn scared and worried....I think I will cry DB.....how??

But my sweet colleague...Leeann says she will buy me Ribena tomorrow to cheer me up and my other colleagues - Sab and Jennis said they will prepare a box of tissues for me just in case I turn up in office still crying over the pain!!!! I hope everything will go smoothly tomorrow and I won't feel so much pain. My pain tolerance is not high!! HELP!!!!


Today lesson was ok anyway DB....and our little sweet Genie bought us Cheese Tarts....I was afraid of the cheesy taste so I donated my cheese tart to Kat. But Genie...I appreciate your kindness and sweetness for getting the tarts for us!!!!

My classmates enjoying the tarts during break-time.....

Going to bed now DB....ZZZzzzzzz...pray for me tomorrow pretty pls........ :'(

Michie off to bed at 10:17 PM Photobucket

Saturday, July 19, 2008Y

I am off to sleep now!!! Tomorrow I am going for the SHAPE RUN 2008!! It will be a corporate run for me, will be doing it with my colleagues and my team name is "Lead from the Front"!!!!


Good nites....will update tomorrow on my run.....ciaos!!

Michie off to bed at 10:50 PM Photobucket

Wednesday, July 16, 2008Y

Here I am thinking about you againz.......I am over you but I am just remembering our times together and it puts a smile on my face againz.....

Well, this just came to my mind during my class today.....

As time goes by....I will forget you....
I will forget the hurt you have caused me....
But I will always keep the memories of....


Okies....I,m off to bed now......*dreaming of you*

Michie off to bed at 11:30 PM Photobucket

Monday, July 14, 2008Y
Bad Day!!

Nothing much to say about today!!! Was extremely SUPER PISSED OFF this morning by 2 people!!!! My whole day was DESTROYED!!!!



Anyway, I think I did say THANKS to Babe, Woman & Jen for dinner @ East Coast Park Long Beach but I will say it again....THANKS FOR THE DINNER!!!! It was great!!

And I would like to say THANKS to Hui Ying too for the cutie Birthday card and gifts!!!!

Michie off to bed at 11:59 PM Photobucket

Sunday, July 13, 2008Y

I didn't blog for the last 3 days, was too tired by the time I was home. On thursday, I met woman and babe for dinner @ East Coast Long Beach!!!! I was so hungry that I forgot to take photos of the food until everything was almost finishing then I remembered that I didn't take photos. Damnz!!!! But it's ok, there is always a 2nd time or more to come to have dinner with them again. Anyway, we had prawns in herbal soup, xiao bai cai with golden mushroom (I think so.....), Fried Baby Squids and 2 types of crabs which was Black Pepper and Baked Butter Crabs!!!! Everything tasted damn delicious and tasty, I ate until I was so damn full and I had gastric pains!!!! But I had dessert as well, I had Mango Pudding and woman had some almond pudding. The mango pudding was tasty too....YUMMIE!!!!! *Thumbs Up*

After dinner, we had drinks at this mini Beer Hut, not sure what is the name of the bar. And I took photos with babe, woman and Jen.

Me & Babe!!

Me & Woman!!

Me & Jen!!

After our photo-taking, drinking and chit-chatting, we headed home. On Friday, nothing unusual happen, as usual I went to office in the morning and went for class at night!! It was a tiring Friday though and I was feeling bored on Friday, was thinking the whole day whether I should go class or not but of course in the end, I went for class, exams are around the corner so I must study hard!!

On Saturday, I woke up quite early....I got up at about 8am, don't know why the hell did I wake up so early. I wash up and started watching my TV and waiting for Hui Ying to come over to my place because we were suppose to see fireworks with my small bro. So when she came over, we went to have lunch downstairs and I bought my Miko a new drinking bottle. After lunch, I started packing my room because it's in a mess!! Now it looks so much neater and alot of space for me to move around. While we were packing, I heard the fireworks and I was like WTH!!!! And I asked Hui Ying, what is the time now and I ran to my window to check out if it's really the fireworks and I saw it!! Because we thought the fireworks was at 9pm plus as informed by my small bro of course!! Wrong info!! LOL.......so we are going to watch it next week again I guess....

Anyway, me and Hui Ying went to Cineleisure for dinner, we wanted to eat at HK Cafe but the queue was damn long so we headed to Japanese Pasta Restaurant. The food was not bad but the it's abit too salty and it makes my throat very dry and sore after my dinner, had to drink lots of water. Oh ya...Hui Ying gave me a birthday card and gift because she didn't turn up for my birthday party in June. The card was handmade by her which I think it's so sweet of her and it's very cute and nice!!!! She gave me a Hello Kitty calculator which I can carry around with me and a Hello Kitty Key Holder!!

Front of the card!!

Inside of the card!!

Hello Kitty Key Holder & Calculator!!

After dinner, we wanted to chill out at Starbucks coffee but it was so crowded everywhere. So I decided to go home because it was too hot and I was sweating!! So I walked Hui Ying to the Dohby Ghaut MRT and I walked home from there.

Today, nothing much happen as well, went to Marina Square to meet Sab and Shenny to collect our number bibs and shirt for the Shape Run this coming Sunday 20 July 08. It is so exciting, not sure if I can make it but I will try my best!!!! After collecting the things, me and Sab went back to office to finish up our outstanding work. We were not suppose to stay till 10pm but in the end we left office about 10pm. In the end, we took cabs and headed home.

Okies, going to Zzzzz now....it's 12.40am already!!! I was suppose to sleep once I reached home and showered. -_-"

Michie off to bed at 11:42 PM Photobucket

Wednesday, July 09, 2008Y
Fatty Michie (Sad....)

I am feeling sad!! Why?? Because I have put on 5kg over 2 weeks plus which is madness!! And I am swelling on one side of my face and my face look even chubby now. I have been snacking too much in office and eating too much during office hours. I need to lose the 5kg as advise by my doctor indirectly when I went to the clinic today to check why is my face swelling up on one side. He couldn't diagnose it and I check with him is it because I put on weight, he said that it could be the reason and he ask me to stand on the weighing machine that is when I know I am 50kg now instead of 45kg!!! And he said the swelling could due to heatness or I have put on weight that is why my face is swelled up. *Faints........

Anyway, I was looking at my photo album in my hp and I realise taking some photos with my family when we were having dinner at Sushi Teh @ Paragon on 3 Jun 08. The photos look good and funnie....at least I don't look fat in those photos.

I got alot of photos to sort and print it out and put it in my personal photo album. I will try to sort a little bit more this weekend.

I already decided starting from tomorrow I shall go on a strict diet. I shall eat more vegetables and fruits, less rice, noodles, meat and definately STOP SNACKING!! I am going to lose my 5kg no matter what!! Hahaha.....

Next whole week, I realise I am so pack with so many things in my schedule book!! I got driving lessons and classes. I won't have the time to go for my cycling next week. So I will be going cycling this Saturday no matter how. I have stopped cycling for about 1 week plus already. Next Sunday, I got my 5km Shape Run!! *I am missing our memories.........*

Okies, going to Zzzzzz.........

Michie off to bed at 10:01 PM Photobucket

Monday, July 07, 2008Y
Back @ Work.....

Nothing much happen today @ work, just doing my normal daily duties and helping Jennis out. But during lunch was the rushing time for me, I had to rush out to buy lunch for myself and colleagues since I am getting lunch for myself, I help them to buy lunch too. After buying lunch, I have to get a Birthday card and a cakie for her since it's her birthday today! I was like rushing and walking very fast to get all the stuffs. We have arranged to cut the cakie @ 4pm, we sang her a birthday song and I passed her the gift and birthday card we got for her.

Then everyone went back to continue working and making calls. Therefore nothing much happen at work, I wouldn't say I am very busy nor I would say I am very free, just finish whatever I have to finish for my team. One of my team mate, got a big chocolate chip cookie from Delifrance, I thought it was huge so I took a photo of it...hahahaha.....

Anyway after work, I went to my hair salon downstairs to dye my hair. So over the 2 weeks, I have cut my hair short and dye my hair = NEW ME!! LOL....it took about 2 hours...I was falling asleep.

Okies, I,m off to bed.....Zzzzzzzzzzz

Michie off to bed at 10:31 PM Photobucket

Sunday, July 06, 2008Y
I,m Back....

I am back from Bintan!! Anyone missed me?? Hahahaha....!!! I didn't make it for the presentation because it started early and ended earlier than I thought. Damnz!! But I have seen some of the photos taken for the presentation. Firstly, I would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Shenny, Ian, Leeann, Queenie, Aamir and Tulika. They have either won an award or got a promotion for themselves and KEEP IT UP guys!!! Sorry I couldn't be there to see you get awarded or promoted but I believe you guys were shocked, excited and HAPPY!!

During the ferry ride to Bintan, I was feeling dizzy so I decided to listen to some music and I fell asleep in the end but was woken up eventually due to the bumpy ride but luckily it was reaching the destination. OMG!! Not only do I have air-sickness now I realise I have sea-sickness as well...hahahaha...anyway after reaching Bintan and all the rushing to realise we missed the presentation as I have mentioned earlier. So me + Sab helped Jennis and Shenny to pack up the projector and other stuffs. We went back to our room and rested awhile before going for the cocktail and dinner @ 7.30pm. I rested awhile, watch TV, check out the Jacuzzi in our room, the bedrooms. It was damn nice!!!

After resting awhile, we headed down to the beach where we are having our dinner, yep..on the beach itself!!! Damn cool right....the atmosphere was GREAT. The set-up, concept, music was done up by the resort management. It was a beautiful night to have dinner at the beach, everyone was enjoying themselves, the food was great, the waiter and waiteress was all so polite, totally good service!!!! And then the surprise came, they were making an annoucement about giving out gifts to people who have helped make the Financial Year End Conference a successful event, so I thought it was for Jennis. She have really really been a great help to make this event a successful one. But in the end, my MD called out my name first, then I was still shocked and sitting at my chair, thinking who is the Michelle he is calling, is it me?? Hahaha...then Sab looked at me and said yes...it's you Michelle then I was like.."Oh is it...hahahaha...." so I went up to him and accept the gift and thank him. My MD and Chris wanted to thanked me for helping out to make the event a successful one, Sab, Shenny and of course Jennis got gifts as well but Jennis's gift was the biggest....hahaha...because she was the mastermind for everything.

I was happy to get a gift because I know I was being recognised for my hard work and effort. In my previous company, no matter how hard I strived for the Company, I get nothing at all except all the blames!! In my current company now, every now and then...there is people telling me, "Good Work, Michelle", "It's Great, Michelle", etc....I belive that every Company should practise such acknowledgment to their staffs, it could be just words, a pad on the back, or a little gift but it means alot to your staffs!!

Anyway, we took alot of photos that night, we ate, chatted and joke around. After everything, we walked back to the lobby to have more drinks. But amazingly, I didn't have any drinks that night except water. Awhile later, me and Jennis went back to our room to have a shower, Sab and Shenny went to the girls room to chit-chat but I was tired already so I went back to my room. After shower, I watched the TV for awhile before going to sleep. The next morning, we got up, showered and went to the lobby to have our breakfast!! I was super hungry last night but there was nothing to eat. So after eating, I went to the reception desk to check out the motorised activity which was called the ATV riding in the jungle. So in the end, Jennis, Sab and me booked for 10am. It was a great ride in the jungle and it was great seeing the traditional kampong house, eating of the coconuts, it took us about 1 hour 30 mins for the whole activity. After the ATV riding, we went to the beach to sun-tanned and swim. We had to rush back to our rooms to wash up and check out from the room and to prepare for our 2pm SPA package, the girls had SPA packages whereas the guys have their 18-hole golf in the morning @ 8a.m.

You won't believe it!! Their spa rooms were so beautiful and nicely done up!!!! During the SPA, I fell asleep, it was too relaxing and soothing. After the SPA, we had to rush for our ferry and checking that everyone is around to board the bus to go to the ferry, making sure everyone had their passports and boarding pass as well. That would be the end of our Year End Financial Conference. I will post some photos tomorrow, my muscles are all aching today due the the ATV riding, because the path was quite bumpy and very rocky.

Upon arrival @ the Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, we headed to Changi Airport for dinner. IT was only me, Sab, Mingli and her bf. I had to rush thru' my dinner as well because I was meeting my friends @ Bishan GV for a movie "Hancock". It was a great movie!! Thumbs up!!!! Will Smith is my favourtie actor. He is just so good at acting and he looked damn handsome also!!

After the movie, we went to Sin Ming for dinner and beer as usual because my friend Jeremy is around. Hahahaha...he wanted to drink with me so I said ok. It's been awhile since I went out with my this group of best friends!! It is so fun to go out with them and be around them, they always make me laugh and happy. I always feel happy going out with them. Looking forward to our next meeting guys!!!!

Okies, I am heading to bed already...tomorrow I have work, it's a Monday againz!!

Michie off to bed at 10:17 PM Photobucket

Thursday, July 03, 2008Y
New Hair Cut

Today was a extremely busy day again but it was ok, managed to finish all my job posting today. Tomorrow I will have to do abit more of my stuffs and have to chase all my consultants around 12pm to go down and take the coach bus if not they will be late for the ferry to Bintan. Me and Sab will be in office to take care of the office till about 4pm before we can take the ferry to Bintan. We will miss the Year End conference presentation but I hope we can make it for the prize presentation.

Anyway, after work today, I went for a hair cut @ Mibun. Just wanted to have a change, I have visited almost 4 hair salon, they all don't recommend that I perm my hair!! So sad. So I left it to the hairstylist to cut my hair so she cut my hair short, I wouldn't say it's very short but it's ok. After all, my hair tips were very very dry and spoilt already, so she help me to cut short and get rid of the dead hair tips!! LOL....

This is how I look with my new hair style, doesn't really make alot of difference though...but I am quite happy with my current hair style.

Next monday, I am going to colour my hair, the hairstylist said that I should change my hair colour. She said that my current colour is too dull for me. So I made a appointment to do it on Monday because it takes about an hour just now after my hair cut, it was already 8.30pm and if she were to dye my hair, it will finish about 9.30pm. Plus, the hair shop closes at 8pm, I already delay their closing time for about 30 mins because I reach their shop late. So yup, I am going to dye my hair on Monday!! Yipee!! Hope it turns out well.... :-)

I am half way preparing my things to go Bintan!! I am not done packing yet and it's already 10.59pm. OMG!! Need to sleep early today as well, I am getting panda eyes already. I am so busy this week, I hope next week I will have more time. So I can arrange to have lunch or dinner with my friends!! I miss my babe and woman!! I need to schedule a day to have lunch or dinner with them, plus my other friends. When will I have the time?? :-(

Okies, I am going back to packing my things......

Michie off to bed at 10:09 PM Photobucket

Wednesday, July 02, 2008Y
Moody Day...

I,m abit grumpy and naggy today...or should I say since last week till today I still feel the same. I feel so shitty, moody and naggy. Step in office and don't feel like talking to anyone or if I open my mouth, I will just nag, nag and nag. That is what one of my colleague said to me, she said I always very naggy and frustrated recently.

Anyway, the posters I did for my company was rejected by my Managing Director and I have to re-do all the 4 posters again. OMG!!! I can die and fainted! Plus today, waste alot of time waiting downstairs my office, why? Because Hitachi Tower had a fire drill today, it's been awhile since I attended to a fire drill. Our whole office waited downstairs about 30 mins or so, some went for coffee, some went shopping while the rest just stand around chit chatting. By the time the fire drill exercise ended and we went back to office was nearly to 4pm. So I start to re-do my posters when I went back to office, it took up my whole time again. But I managed to finish up the poster for the 1st Quarter. I haven't done the list for the research of the Golf Courses price list for my boss also and tomorrow he wants to meet me at 11.30am to discuss about it. Tomorrow morning, I am going to do the list first if not I am dead. There is so much things to do, when will it ever end? Tomorrow morning have to do up the scroll invitation for the consultants also, it has to be on their desks in the morning. Well, that's about it, think I am going office early tomorrow. Ok, enough about work, it's killing my brain cells already.

I went to class late today because was staying back in office to finish up our target board. I reach class about 8.15pm. But I wasn't paying attention in class, this is very bad!! Starting from next week, I need to pay ATTENTION!!! I got my exams in August, so I must buck up!!!! Anyway, one of my classmate gave me $50 bucks worth of vouchers and a Hello Kitty NoHoHon for my belated birthday gifts. What is a Hello Kitty NoHoHon?? I took a photo of it, its actually a relaxation thingy. Here goes.....it's damn cute!! I hope it will help me de-stress and relax though....


And ya...this is what I must complain!! I PUT ON WEIGHT!!! I put on 3kg, damnz! I need to go on diet and seriously seriously stop snacking in office. If not, I can't fit into my clothings anymore.

Ok, I am going to sleep now although is 12am already, I was suppose to sleep earlier than 12am. Anyhow, I am going to bed now, tomorrow is another busy day againz!

Michie off to bed at 11:38 PM Photobucket

Tuesday, July 01, 2008Y
Loads of things to do...

Just got home not long ago, pretty tired...had been staying back for 2 days now, tomorrow might need to stay back as well to do up the invitation cards for the coming financial conference @ Bintan. But I won't be able to stay back late tomorrow because I got class tomorrow.

I can't wait to go Bintan though, it should be fun. Anyway, I thought of perming my hair, not sure if I should or not? Because there is once I perm my hair and I looked damn ridiculous with the curly hair!! LOL.....so ya, I have not decided yet...

I was watching TV yesterday when my cat - Ginger came to sit on the same sofa as me. While she was sleeping, I took a photo of her. The next thing I know when I turn around and look at her, she looks like Super Kitty...look at her paws...hahahaha....damn funnie...



Anyway, I am damn tired, slept late the last 2 nights also, came home and shower..told myself that I am going to sleep after shower but everytime I surf net until 1am plus. Damnz! So today I am going to sleep early if not I will be looking like a Panda sooner or later.

Nothing special happen today except BUSY BUSY BUSY @ work.....LOL....

Michie off to bed at 10:02 PM Photobucket