I,m Back....
I am back from Bintan!! Anyone missed me?? Hahahaha....!!! I didn't make it for the presentation because it started early and ended earlier than I thought. Damnz!! But I have seen some of the photos taken for the presentation. Firstly, I would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Shenny, Ian, Leeann, Queenie, Aamir and Tulika. They have either won an award or got a promotion for themselves and KEEP IT UP guys!!! Sorry I couldn't be there to see you get awarded or promoted but I believe you guys were shocked, excited and HAPPY!!
During the ferry ride to Bintan, I was feeling dizzy so I decided to listen to some music and I fell asleep in the end but was woken up eventually due to the bumpy ride but luckily it was reaching the destination. OMG!! Not only do I have air-sickness now I realise I have sea-sickness as well...hahahaha...anyway after reaching Bintan and all the rushing to realise we missed the presentation as I have mentioned earlier. So me + Sab helped Jennis and Shenny to pack up the projector and other stuffs. We went back to our room and rested awhile before going for the cocktail and dinner @ 7.30pm. I rested awhile, watch TV, check out the Jacuzzi in our room, the bedrooms. It was damn nice!!!
After resting awhile, we headed down to the beach where we are having our dinner, yep..on the beach itself!!! Damn cool right....the atmosphere was GREAT. The set-up, concept, music was done up by the resort management. It was a beautiful night to have dinner at the beach, everyone was enjoying themselves, the food was great, the waiter and waiteress was all so polite, totally good service!!!! And then the surprise came, they were making an annoucement about giving out gifts to people who have helped make the Financial Year End Conference a successful event, so I thought it was for Jennis. She have really really been a great help to make this event a successful one. But in the end, my MD called out my name first, then I was still shocked and sitting at my chair, thinking who is the Michelle he is calling, is it me?? Hahaha...then Sab looked at me and said yes...it's you Michelle then I was like.."Oh is it...hahahaha...." so I went up to him and accept the gift and thank him. My MD and Chris wanted to thanked me for helping out to make the event a successful one, Sab, Shenny and of course Jennis got gifts as well but Jennis's gift was the biggest....hahaha...because she was the mastermind for everything.
I was happy to get a gift because I know I was being recognised for my hard work and effort. In my previous company, no matter how hard I strived for the Company, I get nothing at all except all the blames!! In my current company now, every now and then...there is people telling me, "Good Work, Michelle", "It's Great, Michelle", etc....I belive that every Company should practise such acknowledgment to their staffs, it could be just words, a pad on the back, or a little gift but it means alot to your staffs!!
Anyway, we took alot of photos that night, we ate, chatted and joke around. After everything, we walked back to the lobby to have more drinks. But amazingly, I didn't have any drinks that night except water. Awhile later, me and Jennis went back to our room to have a shower, Sab and Shenny went to the girls room to chit-chat but I was tired already so I went back to my room. After shower, I watched the TV for awhile before going to sleep. The next morning, we got up, showered and went to the lobby to have our breakfast!! I was super hungry last night but there was nothing to eat. So after eating, I went to the reception desk to check out the motorised activity which was called the ATV riding in the jungle. So in the end, Jennis, Sab and me booked for 10am. It was a great ride in the jungle and it was great seeing the traditional kampong house, eating of the coconuts, it took us about 1 hour 30 mins for the whole activity. After the ATV riding, we went to the beach to sun-tanned and swim. We had to rush back to our rooms to wash up and check out from the room and to prepare for our 2pm SPA package, the girls had SPA packages whereas the guys have their 18-hole golf in the morning @ 8a.m.
You won't believe it!! Their spa rooms were so beautiful and nicely done up!!!! During the SPA, I fell asleep, it was too relaxing and soothing. After the SPA, we had to rush for our ferry and checking that everyone is around to board the bus to go to the ferry, making sure everyone had their passports and boarding pass as well. That would be the end of our Year End Financial Conference. I will post some photos tomorrow, my muscles are all aching today due the the ATV riding, because the path was quite bumpy and very rocky.
Upon arrival @ the Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, we headed to Changi Airport for dinner. IT was only me, Sab, Mingli and her bf. I had to rush thru' my dinner as well because I was meeting my friends @ Bishan GV for a movie "Hancock". It was a great movie!! Thumbs up!!!! Will Smith is my favourtie actor. He is just so good at acting and he looked damn handsome also!!

After the movie, we went to Sin Ming for dinner and beer as usual because my friend Jeremy is around. Hahahaha...he wanted to drink with me so I said ok. It's been awhile since I went out with my this group of best friends!! It is so fun to go out with them and be around them, they always make me laugh and happy. I always feel happy going out with them. Looking forward to our next meeting guys!!!!
Okies, I am heading to bed already...tomorrow I have work, it's a Monday againz!!