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Sunday, August 24, 2008Y
Rainy Rainy.......

Was out today for group study at Toa Payoh. As usual, our time management is real bad. Supposed to meet up at 12pm and start studying but in the end we started studying only about 2pm plus. We found a table under the void deck of Block 195 and started studying finally!! LOL......

It was a super wet day today, started raining like cats and dogs at 2pm till 7pm plus or even 8pm. I managed to study some of the topics in, memorised quite alot of my exam tips!! After it started raining and as it gets darker, there were mosquitos around and I got beaten!! There were 6 of us, can you believe that I am the only that got the bites and the bites were pretty big ones!! In all, I had about 6 mosquito bites and the rest of the girls didn't get any at all and they told me because my body was giving out heat plus my blood type was A+!!!! But then again, I am always very prone to mosquito bites.

Hahahaha.....anyway we decided to move before I get more bites, look at how big my mosquito bites are, Pei helped me take a photo of the bites because I can't see it, the bites were behind my shoulder plus they were all on my right side of my hand only. Odd isn't it?? Mosquitos ar....mosquitos.....is my blood very sweet???? Hahaha......

We headed to the bus stop to take Bus 238 back to Toa Payoh Central. We were all drenched by the time we got to the bus stop even with the umbrellas we had. The rain was too damn heavy plus it was damn windy as well. We all thought it was a wrong day to come out for group study, what a stupid weather!!

Once we reached the Central, Kat and Clara went to buy 4D at the NTUC, the queue was damn long, after buying 4D they headed home. And then Cris reminded us that we wanted to watch "Money No Enough 2". So Ady said to check out Eng Wah so we walked to the cinema but Eng Wah wasn't showing it at all. So we took a MRT down to Bishan to check out GV and they were showing it at 7pm so we just decided to get the tickets. Although I have watched it before, I didn't mind watching it again as it can make me laugh until my stomach hurts.

We were still early for the movie, so we decided to stoned at Macs for awhile because Ady wanted to sit down for awhile. And guess what...Ady did something evil to Nai Fen!! She make Nai fen dance and was so rough with him. So poor thing!! Hahaha.....

We played around with Nai Fen, taking photos with him and I have given him a precious kiss of mine! Hahaha.......

After playing around at Macs which we should be studying for exams, we walked around in J8. We went to Mini Toons and checked out the stuffed toys they have, we came across a small cute little hammer that makes noise if you hit it hard on something.

And we saw this as well.......oh...it's stinky shit!! Pei said she want to buy for me...so bad hor....she said look like my face..... :-(

I saw this poster randomly along the streets of bugis 2 weeks back...I think. The person who did this poster needs to be more specific don't you think so?? Is he asking to borrow money or is he saying that if we need money we can call him?? These kind of posters are allowed in Singapore now?? It seems like a legal loan shark doing his business openly. Hahaha.........

Anyway, managed to catch some fireworks on Friday itself. Although, wasn't feeling well on Friday itself but went to Esplanade to meet my friends to have a chit chat. While on the way there in the bus, I managed to see some of the fireworks then I video the rest of the fireworks when I,m at Esplanade itself near the corner of the clifford pier.

Okies....I,m off to bed......tomorrow still have work....and I have to mug for exams once again....wish me luck!!! LOL.......nites!

Michie off to bed at 11:23 PM Photobucket

Wednesday, August 20, 2008Y
Everything's Good....

Everything is good for me.......

No. 1:-

My right super blocked ear was finally gone with the magic ear drop from the doctor!! I only had to put 2 drops in my ear and the ear blocked was gone in 2 secs!!!! How amazingly, and there I was trying to get rid of my blocked ear in so many different ways. If I only knew, I would have gone to the doctor on Monday. DB, the doctor told me that I was very patient to tahan the blocked ears for 3 days!!!! Hahahaha........I thought so too....actually I was thinking it will just go away the next day, how would I know it will last 3 days. Normally, I don't get blocked ears!! Because of the stupid cough and flu I had over the last few days.

No. 2:-

My group project score were 22/25!!!! How cool is that?? And we only use 1 day to complete our project and it took us about 6 hours only. It's all about group effort and team work, we were all very co-operative. We don't have any problem doing project everytime because everyone give chip in, giving ideas and thoughts which meant alot to the group!! I,m glad we are a group, I enjoy going class not only because it's my interest in the course but also because they are my classmates and group mates!! They are all very fun-loving girls, cheerful, helpful and as one of my classmate - Kat describe us to her hubby as 1 crazy bunch of girls!!!!!! Hahahahaha....... GOOD WORK DONE GIRLS!!!! This calls for another crazy outing for us againz after our exams!!! LOL........ *giving the girls a pat on their shoulder virtually.........*

No. 3:-

Today is a special day as everyone claimed!! Why?? Because today is.........


Get it?? Day - 20, Month - August (in another way is 08), Year - 2008

Go Quick!!!! What are you waiting for?? Go buy 4D people and I wish you all the best in the results and of course in everything else as well!!!!

Alright DB, I am off to bed now, yawnz..................Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

Michie off to bed at 10:37 PM Photobucket

Monday, August 18, 2008Y

I wanted to blog about new hairstyle and other things, then when I want to post it, this comes out....


Can you believe it a not?? I already type so much and the bloody explorer just come out this msg and when I click back, the whole page went blank!!!! @#$%#%$@%^@^&#%#&&$%^

I give up!!!! This is not the first time it's happening!! Blogspot better do something about it, they should have a function that auto-saves the draft if such things happen. So we don't have to re-type our whole post againz!!

Michie off to bed at 10:52 PM Photobucket

Wednesday, August 13, 2008Y
Normal Day.....

I realise something recently that almost everyone has a PSP or a DS with them wherever they go. Yesterday while I was on the way home, I saw an AUNTY playing PSP!! Can you believe it? I can't actually see what game she was playing.

So yep, the logic would be no matter how old you are, you still can play games or even watch cartoons!! There is no age limit for such things!! Hahaha......I think the Aunty was damn cool, I wonder if that was really her PSP or was it her son or maybe grandson? Because her PSP was blue in color....well.....but then again it could be her favourite color.

Anyway, I want to have my hair cut till shoulder length!! Who support that idea?? I just feel like having my hair real short....hahahaha.........

I will be having my exams in 2 weeks time DB, damn scared I will fail!! I need to burn midnight oil soon!! I want my distinction!!!!

Ok DB, time for me to go and Zzzzz already, I need to get rid of my eye bags!!!! I am looking more like a PANDA now...maybe I can move to china and join the PANDA CLAN already!! LOL......

Michie off to bed at 10:51 PM Photobucket

Tuesday, August 12, 2008Y
Favourite Songs

I have a few favourite songs lately and I can't help but just keep listening to it. I will listen to it when I am going to sleep, listen to it while I put my make-up in the morning, listen to it while walking to work, listen to it while on the way home, listen to it while jogging...how mad can I be right DB?? Hahaha.....

I just think the lyrics makes sense as well as the tune of it just makes it all sounds perfect!! Well, there are 4 songs I like, they are 李圣杰 - 擦肩而过, 蔡依林 - 非卖品, 杨丞琳 - 左边, 林宥嘉 & 刘力扬 - 传说.

Not possible to post all the lyrics here but you can find the lyrics from the websites. I just love the 4 songs currently so muchie!!

Anyway, I went jogging today at ECP again and ran a little longer than the previous time. I am so proud of myself!! Hahaha......I am going to run all the way to Fort Road the next time, it could be this week or next week. My schedule is so packed every week, having class on every Wed and Fri that leaves me with only Mon, Tue and Thurs plus I need time to do my driving as well.

So I will try to run twice a week if I have the time, need to keep fit and healthy!! LOL....

Okies, I am going to Zzzzz already if not I will be late for work tomorrow againz.....good nites DB!!

Michie off to bed at 11:04 PM Photobucket

Sunday, August 10, 2008Y
Wedding, Birthday & Hello Kitty

Last week was shitty = not worth mentioning at all. Anyway, I attended a friend's wedding at Rasa Sentosa Hotel. It has very nice scenery and beautiful set-up of the ballroom.

Before I rush for my friend's wedding on Friday, my colleagues Jennis and Sab did a extreme make-over for me. Hahahaha......I look so different that night and really need to thank them for helping me with the hair styling and make up. THANKS SO MUCH!!!!

On Saturday, I met up with my friends to have steamboat @ Tian Tian Huo Guo. It was my best buddy's birthday. I didn't ate much, wasn't really hungry maybe because I had my lunch quite late. After dinner, we passed CW his present and he was suppose to guess what was it? He was given 3 chances to guess it but too bad he got it all wrong!! Hahaha.....

Making a guess......

Opening the present.....


After we ate, we decided to head to GV Bishan to watch "Money No Enough 2". Once again, the movie is damn famous, the cinema were fully booked!! I called my youngest bro to help me check for seats at Cathay @ AMK Hub, he helped me booked for the movie as well. THANKS BRO!!!! We managed to get our tickets for 11.20pm for 2nd row, the movie is really high in demand by SINGAPOREANS!! We reached pretty early at AMK Hub so we decided to chill out @ Nebo before the movie starts. Nebo is a place where they have free board gaming if we spend $8 bucks per person. So we order some snacks and drinks because I was so freaking hungry!

My friends took Chinese Chess to play. OMG!! I was standing at the counter and making noise, "What!!", "I don't know how to play Chinese Chess lei....." and the counter staff burst out laughing at me!! Idiot fella!!

My all time favourite "WAFFLE WITH MAPLE SYRUP"


After playing and chatting, time passes fast and it was the movie time!! The show was so hilarious!! From the beginning of the movie, I laughed until the end of the movie. Although there are some very sad parts, I cried abit and the next minute I started laughing again. We laughed until stomach pain!! I would say a GOOD MOVIE!! I believe they really know how the Singaporeans think about having so many ERP, so many taxes to pay and other things that are raising in prices.

After the movie, we headed to Dragonfly Pub. Jeremy had prepared a birthday cakie for CW and of course there was already a jug of beer for our birthday boy to finish up ALONE!!!!LOL.......

The pub was already closing down so we sang a birthday song for CW, let him make a wish and to blow the candles out!! He managed to see some songs before the pub really closed for the day. Of course with Michie around DB....there is always photo taking session!! Hahahaha......


Drawing done by JEREMY!!

OMG!! My face is freaking oily!!


Hello Kitty Anti Mosquito

~Hello Kitty Ball Pen~

~Hello Kitty Mat~

That is about it all DB, think I should stop visiting Hello Kitty Shop for the time being. I need to save money!! Ok, time for me to Zzzzz already, now its 1am!! No holiday for me tomorrow, need to work!!

Michie off to bed at 3:32 AM Photobucket

Sunday, August 03, 2008Y
Updates Again....

Nothing much happen to me over the last few days, practically just busy at work trying to clear as much as I can. Went out with my colleagues on Friday to Pump Room @ Clarke Quay, tried not to drink so much so I drank only a cup of Bourbon cokie...that's all I had for the night!!!!

As promised DB, I am going to post some photos of the Financial Conference @ Bintan with my Company. Not going to post all the photos, there is too many to post so the rest of the photos will be in my Facebook. Had fun at Bintan, the great dinner @ The Legend which is on the beach itself and did the ATV riding plus SPA that is sponsored by my Company for the girls and golf for the guys.

The back of our Room

The Jacuzzi in our room!!

Dinner @ The Legend!!

The Lovely Table Setting!!

The Admin Team!!

Me & Sab!!

Make a guess...Which is mine??

My Whole Company!!

Our exciting ATV Riding!!!! Girls Power!!

After my ATV riding..check out time!!

After my SPA!!

I can't possibly post all the photos DB although I wish I could!! There are too many beautiful photos to post, space won't be enough!! Hahaha......

Anyway, I went out with my classmates yesterday, it was a long long planned outing. We have been planning it since end of May after our 1st exams, can you imagine it's 2 mths before our outing is finalised and it actually tooked place!!!! Hahaha........well no choice, everyone has their busy schedule. Glad that we finally managed to go out together and enjoy ourselves!!!! We met up about in the late afternoon and went straight for KTV @ Orchard Party World. We sang all the way to 6pm, it was so much fun, laughter and photo-taking of course!!!! We had some food as well because we didn't meet up for lunch, we ordered some Crispy Duck, Sotong Balls and Spring Rolls, the food was great as well or maybe we were too hungry...hahaha...we finished up everything!!

After KTV, we went shopping at Far East Plaza because I wanted to get a bag. My bag strap just broke while I was on the way to meet the girls. I didn't managed to find any bag I like at Far East Plaza at all. Nothing catches my eye or was it my taste is too high?? Hmmm....I don't think it's my taste though just didn't like the kind of bags they were selling at Far East. So in the end, I didn't get anything. After walking long enough, we went to have our dinner at Pepper Lunch @ Shaw House. Don't know why they call it Pepper Lunch when they serve dinner as well, isn't it funnie?? Anyway, after dinner we decided to watch "Money No Enough 2" because we happen to walk pass the movie poster while on the way to Pepper Lunch.

We actually walked from Far East Plaza to Cineleisure to check for the timing and availability, it was fully booked so we decided to check out GV @ PS and we walked half way until we were so tired to walk all the way to PS, we took a bus which we have to get off the next stop!!!! Can you believe us?? We were only 1 more bus stop away and we couldn't make it already....hahahaha....!! Oh ya....before going to PS, we actually took Neo-print @ Cineleisure!! It was damn funny, I think everyone from outside could hear us shouting..."Hurry..Hurry...switch place...quick...quick...look at the camera"...we said that like 8 times because we took a total of 8 shots!!!! LOL.......... (@_@)

I guess we are not lucky that day, EVERY CINEMA and I really mean it...Cathay and GV was fully booked till front row seats and the next available timing would be 2am!!!! Can you believe it?? The show was so damn famous and that everyone was rushing to see it!! I wonder how good the movie is, it better be good for such response from Singaporeans!!!! LOL.......

Although we didn't get to watch the movie, that didn't spoil our mood. We went to TCC @ PS to chill out and relax. We had some peach, apple cooler drink and some snacks, we chatted till about 11pm then we headed home.

SHRI Girls!!

Fierce or Dao??

I am trying not to laugh....LOL...

"See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil"

Our Snacks!!

Suppose to watch but didn't!! :-(

Apple Cooler!!


Me & My Peach Cooler!

Some Bird Cheese....weird isn't it?? Bird Cheese??

Ok, I got to go and Zzzzzz....that is one whole load of photos that I posted DB. It's nearly 2am..OMG...tomorrow I am going to be dead tired againz plus I am going to have dark rings again!!!! :-(

Plus tomorrow I am going to jog as well, I need all my energy I need.....

Good nites!!

Michie off to bed at 11:54 PM Photobucket