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Friday, January 30, 2009Y
Chinese New Year

Well, we had our usual CNY reunion dinner on the eve of Chinese New Year at home. Helped mom prepare all the food stuffs for steamboat and mom made some steamed fish which supposed to meant "Nian Nian You Yu" and everyone must finish up the fish. She make some Ngoh Hiang as well, I love mom's Ngoh Hiang!!!! It was damn tasty that it even made her friend who was a vegetarian for over few years into eating it one day in Moscow!!! So you can imagine how tasty it was........yummie!!!!!

Before we had steamboat, we did the LOU HEI!! We didn't buy a big portion but still can't finish it. Every year we never finish our Lou Hei......next year must finished it....my aunty said so...not good to throw it away......damnz!! We have been doing that every year...........LOL......

After our Lou Hei, we had our steamboat, I realised our steamboat dinner always don't last for hours, we are always done within 15 mins to 30 mins...hahahahaha.....this time round all of us try to eat as slow as we can and take our time, the steamboat also ended within 40 mins....LOL...think we eat too fastvbut we sat around the table to chit chat and joke around before clearing up all the plates and dishes........

I didn't do much for this year Chinese New Year because my friend wasn't in town so there was no visiting of friends this year. So mostly, I was at home watching TV, sleeping and snacking on the CNY goodies!!! My mom didn't realised she bought alot of CNY goodies till I keep taking them all out....hahahaha.....

My uncle came over on the 1st day of CNY to have lunch, dinner and played manjong till 2am!! I don't believe it how they can take it. I went out at about 11pm to have coffee with my friends at Paragon CoffeeBean, they wanted to go cineleisure for coffee but it was too crowded. Didn't expect so many people to be out on the 1st day of CNY, expected them to do their visiting and gambling at home or relatives place...well think this year abit different. Anyway, we ended up at Coffeebean, chat till about 2am plus and went home to wash up and sleep, that's when I saw my stepdad, uncle and aunty still playing MJ!!!! I can salute them already, damn power...I play for a couple of mins, my eyes will be closing and I will be yawning already. Don't like to play MJ at all, friends has been coaxing me to play with them everytime......hahahahaha........see how la....

On the 2nd day, we were supposed to go KTV for singing but everyone was feeling lazy so it was cancelled!! Anyway, we had our 2nd CNY dinner at Royal China in Raffles Hotel. They have created a special menu for CNY which is so limited and sucky!! And the meal cost us $300 bucks plus....can't remember how much and all the portion of the food is so damn small!!! Don't know why this time round the food is sucky and expensive, could be the CNY season!! Anyway, their dim sum is better than their lunch and dinner menu......prefer their dim sum!!

This was the best, I was getting ready and putting up my favourite sign - V and my stepdad said "haiya....you always do that, put that down or do something else"....hahahaha...I just started laughing and that's why I ended up taking that pose......LOL....even my stepdad knows me so well.....hehe....After dinner, we headed home and I had to prepare for work the next day.

This week at work was a pretty busy one for the admin girls because we had to help re-arrange some of the things in the office, wiping of dusty tables, our usual data-entry and postings. Finally, all is done by today, office looks abit neater and cleaner I should say and looks a little different. Well, a new year for everyone, hope everyone will have a smooth year ahead!! Although it's going to be a tough year because of the bad crisis but of course I hope everyone can pull through it!!! Gambatek!!!!

Had a bad day yesterday, wasn't feeling very happy inside but I was ok at office. The moment it was at night, my mood suddenly change, don't know what is wrong. Well, I was in a bad mood, someone just had to irritate me further and I think I snap at the person. I didn't do it on purpose but we were having a proper conversation everytime and then suddenly the person just have to make the whole conversation so confusing, hard to understand and I always end up getting confused and blur about it........

Anyway, don't want to talk about it, 不懂为什麽昨天我会这麽生你的气。我怎么了?不要跟我讲, 难道我真的慢慢有一点点喜欢你?? OMG....it can't be true.......I am thinking too much....I am off to bed now......and have a nice sleep and not going to think about anything else already......

Some random photos below taken at Jennis's Wedding, Standard Chartered Marathorn Run 2008, farewell party for my MD and my new hair style!!

Michie off to bed at 11:00 PM Photobucket

Sunday, January 25, 2009Y
Bad Gastric

My gastric is getting worse and worse, it is happening to frequently already and its affecting either my throat to be inflammed or my chest to be in pain. :-(

Well, I will need to stop drinking alcoholic drinks, Doc says to stop drinking, I can't drink anymore, if I drink, it will make my gastric more worse. How unlucky can I get? So no more drinking for me, I need to stop eating late at night as well - does that mean no more supper for me??? Sad......... :-( Also to stop taking too much chilli and oily stuffs and the ultimate one was the Doc told me to lose weight.....damnz!! Alrighty, noted everything and I am feeling damn sianz..........

Tomorrow is steamboat reunion day and I can't take chilli!!! *faints........well Doc says that it will get more worse than this as time comes, my god!! He referred me to a specialist to put a scope in my stomach to check out what is going on and how to solve the problem!! I can't imagine that at all.......!!!!

Anyway, don't want to think about that now, I will listen to the doctor and stop taking things I can't take and see how it goes.......just took my meds and I am off to bed now.....

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!!!! :-)

Michie off to bed at 12:14 AM Photobucket

Friday, January 23, 2009Y
Gong Xi Fa Cai

It's another 2 more days to Chinese New Year!! I believe everyone should have done their Chinese New Year shopping by now, if you have not better hurry up!! Well, mom has decorated our house with the Chinese New Year decos bought from Chinatown. She has herself all well prepared, bought new plates and bowls for the CNY, going to Tiong Bahru market to get the food stuffs for the Steamboat reunion dinner on Sunday....yummie!! And also to stock some food up because the market will be closed for 2 days or 3 days, not sure about that, every year is the same. Tomorrow, have to wake up at 7am to go market with mom......so today I will have to sleep early.

Well, it's a pretty busy day for me today, had couple of job postings to do and report to submit. Our boss gave us red packet today, each and everyone had 1 red packet for good luck and a good year ahead, well it's supposed to be the 1st day of work next week but he handed it out today instead. So ya, I had my 1st red packet today!! LOL......and I had my 2nd red packet from my another boss. So kind of him...................hehehehe....

We were allowed to leave office 1/2 hour earlier today because of CNY, went to get my hair done together with Sab. She was going to perm and I was getting my hair - softrebond and to trim a little bit. I want to grow back my super long hair and never gonna have it cut againz!! Missing my long hair every time I looked at my photos...........now I have a new look for CNY!!!! Hahaha....

Yesterday, we had some farewell drinks @ Pump Room for Matt U. It was his last day in Singapore and he is moving back to Australia to take on a new role, I hope everything will go smoothly for him in Australia. After our group get smaller, most of them have left, we move to Clinic to have a shot of drinks and drip before heading to Lunar!! We actually did club hopping yesterday with Matt U., couldn't believe it but could see that he was enjoying himself.

I believe everyone had loads of fun yesterday, I know I did, listening to the songs and have small talks with everyone!! Well, as of yesterday, I am confused again........about something but it's ok....not gonna think about anything right now.......

Before I head off to bed, I would like to wish everyone a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR - GONG XI FA CAI EVERYONE!!!! Wishing everyone GOOD HEALTH, GOOD PROSPERITY and a VERY GOOD YEAR AHEAD everyone!!!! Enjoyed the long weekend...........

I am off to bed now.....tomorrow is gonna be a busy busy day for me.....

Michie off to bed at 10:11 PM Photobucket

Wednesday, January 21, 2009Y
Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is coming, so fast it's going to be the end of January and starting of February. The time is passing so fast and I,m growing older faster.....hehe...

Went to Chinatown today with my office manager to do some Chinese New Year shopping for office. Bought some decorations and blossom flowers for the office. We went in the afternoon, the place was already starting to get crowded and it's so freaking hot. We went back office and decorated the office and the blossom flowers, the whole office now looks like in the spirit of Chinese New Year.

I was so busy today that I didn't get to drink enough water and my throat starts to hurt again. Damnz!! I will need to start drinking more water again and taking sore throat sweets. I hope my throat stop hurting, it is very irritating!!

Anyway, I am off to bed to get more rest......Zzzzzzzzzz

Michie off to bed at 9:46 PM Photobucket

Tuesday, January 20, 2009Y
Brave Me

I would think I am brave enough to tell someone that I like him. Trust me it is not easy at all, plucking up all the courage you have to tell that person you like him. Plus accepting whatever the answer will be, be it good or bad. I do believe letting someone know that you like him/her is better then just liking secretly. The feeling of liking someone secretly is not nice at all, trust me I know it and been there before. At least you know you give it a try then regretting later for not saying anything. Anyway, I plucked up all the courage I have and did it again and won't have any regrets whatever the answer will be.

Of course, you will feel hurt if you get rejected but think on the bright side at least you let the person know and you won't have to like the person secretly anymore if nothing works out. I know myself definately I will feel hurt and be upset if I get rejected but more or less I will be numb because I always get rejected........ :-( hahaha...but it's all part and parcel of life......

Anyway, had a busy day at work today but I learned new things again, quite happy with that. Plus I have a funny colleague beside me who makes me laugh all the time so no matter if I am angry or not, he will make me laugh and I won't be angry anymore. Glad to have great colleagues at work who is funny and joker which makes the office very lively and a great place to work in.

Went to GWC today after work with my mom to see her Precious Moments. She haven't see them for about 1 month. She bought some things and I went to do my deposits in DBS. We can't stay out long because my mom's leg has not healed and it is swelled up. So after everything, we ate our dinner at Zi'Cha Restaurant, the food is not so bad, still quite ok but Mom say it's very nice. Hehehe......I think the food is normal la......

Well, I need to register for my Dip lesson soon, my classes will start in March again. This time is 3 days per week. I will be super busy with work, studies, projects and exams!! But I am excited about going back to class, I can see my classmates and study with them once again!!

Alrighty, I am off to bed....Zzzzzzzz....tomorrow is another day....

Michie off to bed at 10:33 PM Photobucket

Happy Happy.....

I was all smiles for today even though I was busy. I just felt very happy inside and I think if a person is happy, it is written all over the face. Because my colleague actually send me an email and said "Mich, I know you are happy, stop smiling to yourself!!"....I wasn't even smiling to myself but she knows!! Hehehe.....

Of course, there is a reason why I,m happy but its for me to know only and the rest to find out why I,m happy although some people already know why I,m happy. Both of us think that the movie wasn't really fantastic but I still enjoyed it because doing anything with the person you like makes you happy. But seriously, the movie wasn't really great after all, too much actions that is totally impossible at all.

Anyway, hope for many more to come..........*wishing*..........

I,m off to bed now......tomorrow is another working day that is what my colleague sms me just now...... ;p

Michie off to bed at 12:02 AM Photobucket

Sunday, January 18, 2009Y

Haven't been doing much today, just washing clothes, packing my things, surfing the net and watching TV. Tomorrow will be a working day againz and mom's check-up is tomorrow as well, hope everything will be ok tomorrow.

I have been falling sick recently, don't know why. I just want to stop falling sick, it doesn't feel nice at all. I hate the most is to fall sick, hate it to the core.

I have just watched finish, meteor garden - Japanese version. The movie is damn nice, I have watched finish the drama serial, this version is a the last part of it and they have make it into a movie which I missed watching in the cinema. The story line is good and love it to bits!! They are really a good pair together!! When will I ever find my other partner to spend the rest of my life with??

I,m feeling a little happier today and I felt my heart smiling, it felt so sweet, never felt like this for so long.....what does it mean??

I,m off now..... :-) hope I have sweet dreams tonight........

Michie off to bed at 5:14 PM Photobucket


I attended a BBQ today, my friend's wife birthday @ Sembawang Park. When I was on my way to Sembawang MRT, I realise that I have not been to Yishun for a very long time. I used to stay at Yishun Bk 435 and suddenly alot of memories start coming back to me.

Yishun is a nice place to stay, I stayed at Yishun for 5 years plus before I move to UE Square. And my friend has just move in to Yishun and happen to start just directly opposite the block I used to stay. I was telling him, if only I was still there, I can always just shout across for him...hahahahaha........and he will be shouting out to me to play manjong.....!!!!

Anyway, had the BBQ at Sembawang Park, didn't eat much, just ate abit, was helping the guys to BBQ the food while they were starting the fire again on the other BBQ pit. The park has alot of people, pitching their tent and BBQ as well. I happen to meet my classmate there as well, Singapore is really so small. Saw my friend's baby as well, he's such a cutie with long eyelashes!! Next time, he will grow up to be a handsome boy for sure.....

Alrighty, off to bed.....Zzzzzzzz...................

Michie off to bed at 12:13 AM Photobucket

Friday, January 16, 2009Y
Unlucky Day

Damnz!! I am so upset, lost my ring and its damn valuable!! Feeling so crap right now, hate it so much when I lose my things.

When I was young, I keep losing things, didn't know until now also can lose my things. Feel so shitty today nothing to say about today except it's damn an unlucky day!!!!

I am off......... :-(

Michie off to bed at 11:28 PM Photobucket

Thursday, January 15, 2009Y
Weird Dream....

After sleeping at 12.52am yesterday, I had the weirdest dream and up till now I still remember it very clearly.

The dream seem so real but of course I hope it's not true. I dreamt about him being with one of our friend. I am not sure if it will come true but then again its not for me to control it at all. But of course if it makes him happy, of course I will wish them all the best!

I think I like to dream, everytime dreaming of the weirdest and funniest things you can't imagine at all!! But some of my dreams do come true, that is why sometimes I hate to dream.

How can I control dreams? Is it even possible? Life is really short....we need to treasure everything around us and live life to the fullest......

Anyway, I went jogging at ECP today with my colleague. We jogged for about an hour non-stop, quite impress with myself. Never have I jog non-stop for an hour. We will be jogging every week, to keep fit and healthy.

Something funny happen at ECP just now, after our jog, we went to 7-11 to get some H2O to drink. Went to 1 of the chairs and did our cooling down, then just when we are about to walk back to the lockers, we heard someone shouting so loud, we thought the guy was shouting at us and we got so scared. But in the end, he was shouting at 2 guys and 1 lady to stop and write their names on a piece of paper he was holding. We could only hear abit of the conversation, and that bit was "How can you kill your boss??". Me and Rach was like "What!!" and we saw him walking towards us, we quickly walk to our locker before he start shouting at us also. He seems to be crazy.....

I,m off to bed now.....tired.......*yawns*

Michie off to bed at 11:07 PM Photobucket

Thoughts of the Night.....

Couldn't sleep, I have been thinking alot about those days. "Those days" means so many days, the day my bf broke up with me over another girl, the days when I was drinking alot and smoking alot, the days that I cried thinking about my ex-bf whenever I go pass places that reminds me about him, the days I suddenly felt so lonely and upset inside, the days that I am so tired and wished there is someone beside me to lend me his shoulder to rest for awhile, the bad days I have in office and that 1 special day......

Anyway DB, I have gotten over all those days except the shoulder to rest for awhile, the loneliness and bad days in office, nobody can run away from that, I believe that everyone is experiencing the same thing as me, I am not the only one.

DB, I am not sure if what I did that day was a right move, the problem is the msg I send was completely senseless. After sending it, then I realise that I did not phrase my sentence right. How stupid I can be right, DB??? Why is it always a failure?? At least I don't regret doing it, although feeling upset about it because it did not turn out the way I want DB but like what my friends said at least I did try.....

Anyhow, still the same sentence from me since the day my bf broke up with me, what is mine is mine....what is not mine will not be mine no matter how hard I try.....all I can do is wish them all the best in everything they do......

There has been alot of things going in and out of my head till sometimes I get bad headaches. I need to learn how to stop thinking of so much things at one time and relax myself.

I am still thinking about something.....not sure if I should do it....

(miss you, can I tell you??, thinking of you, can I tell you?)
hoping you can feel it..... :-(

Enough of thoughts of the night DB, its already 12.52am and I am still not sleepy.....

Michie off to bed at 12:28 AM Photobucket

Wednesday, January 14, 2009Y
Normal Day

Everyone has been saying that I am not my usual happy happy michie. Is that true?? I am not sure myself but it seems that I am myself most of the time, laughing and joking around with everyone in the office. Well, anyway, thanks for the concern everyone but I am ok. I am being myself, laughing and smiling all the time.

Nothing much happen today in office, just another usual busy day for me. But at least my time passes faster and I learn more things in office everyday!!

Mommy is not vomitting anymore, thank god she is feeling so much better today rather then yesterday. I could see that she is suffering but yet I can't do anything to ease the pain except to joke and make her laugh abit. Luckily, the med that the doc gave her stop her vomitting and she managed to sleep thru out the night.

I managed to jog for 15 mins on the treadmill although the timing is not that fanstatic but I am still proud of myself. We will be going to ECP for jogging tomorrow again, need to keep fit and healthy and lose all those unwanted fats around me!! Hehe.....

Alrighty, I am off to bed, going to get up early tomorrow and make some pancakes for my mommy and stevie!! Good nites everyone........muackies! :-)

Michie off to bed at 10:15 PM Photobucket

Monday, January 12, 2009Y
New Year 2009

It's my 1st post for the Year 2009. I will need to update my blog more often but sometimes really don't have the time.

Well since it's being my 1st post of the Year, I am quite satisfied with myself today, went to ECP to do jogging but instead end up cycling with my colleagues due to some reasons. But I am happy at least I did some exercise today.

I have not been working out for about a month or two already. But now I will be back to do my usual exercise with my colleagues.

Feeling upset inside, thinking of you everyday and don't know why but I miss you too....... :-(

Alright, I am off to bed now.......

Michie off to bed at 11:05 PM Photobucket