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Thursday, February 12, 2009Y

The time passes very fast, soon it's gonna be Valentine's Day. Will be spending it with my girlfriends, well they said it will be a whole day of dining, shopping and maybe movie?? Not really sure how is the day plan but will be meeting them on Saturday to enjoy ourselves!!

Always wanted to know who are my true friends and who can I really trust?? I always thought they were my closest and best friends. We used to be close that is what I thought maybe all this while no one has ever take me as their closest friend or best friend, it's just my wishful thinking!!

All I really want is true friends, who I can trust, who share my happiness and unhappiness with me. In order to have true friends, both parties have to play a part to keep the friendship going, I can't always be the one to keep contacting and holding on to the friendship like as if I am the only one that cares for our friendship!!!! Not sure what happen but feels like our friendship is dying off.......

Don't know but feel that all this while I never had real and true friends be it my outside friends or even at work place. I always take people as my friends once I can click with them but I think that is not how it works with people.

I can't trust no one at all now!! Thinks that everyone is hiding something from me and they have something up their sleeves, thinking of back-stabbing me, thinking of hurting me and all possible things they can do to me. Maybe I am thinking too much.......not sure but have a strong feeling someone is talking bad about me behind my back............

Don't want to think anymore for now, getting the headache......off to bed........

Michie off to bed at 9:51 PM Photobucket

Sunday, February 01, 2009Y
1st Chinese Post

今天我 7.30am 就起床了,还以为今天要做功。我应该想功太多了,要变疯了。我做了早餐给我的家人,吃完了,妈妈跟姐姐就去Carrefour 买东西而我在家看电视。

看完电视了,我就去准备去 Melinda 的家。我们玩了几圈的 poker, 我跟 Rachelle 才赢了一块。。哈哈哈。。。玩了我们就饿了,Melinda 就炸了一点东西给我们吃。


从 Melinda 的家,我陪 Rachelle 去 Bishan 走走,她想买几件裙,陪她我也买了衣服。。遭了我又花钱了。。。我从 Bishan 去 Great World City 跟我妈妈集会,我们去看电影 "Love Matters",真的很好笑。看完了就回家,隔天姐姐跟Stevie就要出国了。。


Michie off to bed at 12:55 AM Photobucket