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Wednesday, July 08, 2009Y
Just another day.....

My business management exam has finally passed!! First I was stressed over the exam now I am stressed over the results!! Oh god.......I hope I can pass, don't hope for any super good results but as long a pass, I really do not want to re-sit for the paper againz....... :-(

Now have started to revise for QM, have to just remember the steps of all the problems and hopefully my mind doesn't go blank again the moment I step into the room, hate it when it happens all the time!!!! Waste my time studying......crap!! After QM this Friday, I will be doing revision again for the final paper for this semester which is ECONS!!!! My most hated subject....hate all the demand and supply shit!!

Anyhow, can't wait for this semester to end faster!!! All the revision and exams is really draining me out already....I NEED A BREAK DESPERATELY!!!!!

Why do some people just won't grow up???? It can be very irritating........

Michie off to bed at 12:12 AM Photobucket

Saturday, July 04, 2009Y

Since I have not blog for about a month now, I shall do it since I am tired of studying for my exams especially BM!!!! Have been studying since morning 10am till now 11pm when I decided I shall have a break!!!! I need a break, my brains need a break, my eyes need a break every part of me needs a break before I collapsed!! I wish I could just go on a long long holiday now and never come back to Singapore!!!!!

Firstly, the weather here is damn hot and I seriously mean it!!!! Even after I shower, I will still sweat BIG TIME!!!! I HATE THE WEATHER IN SINGAPORE!!!!

Plus in the last few week, someone contacted me which I never expected to ever contact me and told me things which made my heart felt so sweet again but in the next couple of days, it all DISAPPEARED!!!! I was stupid enough to believe guys who are such a JERK once again!! Well, do not want to talk about it anymore since I have decided to forget whatever has happen and I have told that person not to ever msg me EVER AGAIN!!!! If you msg me again, I swear you will suffer badly under my hands and make sure you ROT IN HELL!!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?? FUCK OFF!!!!

Ok, I need to learn how to breathe and not get all so worked up over some jackass!! Anyway, I am working very hard towards my goals and waiting very patiently for it to happen!! I can't wait.....and I am also waiting very patiently for my coming 3 exams to pass faster, getting very stressed up with the modules because I hate 2 modules which is Business Management and Economics whereas I am still quite ok with Quantative Methods......!!!!

I would need to continue studying for BM till the late hours and continue again tomorrow and on Monday....2pm will be my dooms day!!! Hahaha.......well 2pm will be the start of my dooms day actually till 5pm......wish me LUCK!!!! I would need all the luck I can get.......

I have already started planning that after my 3 exams, I would want to go out and have loads of fun with all my close friends, be it catching a movie, dinner, drinking coffee, go to the beach and chill...whatever as long I get to spend time with my friends!! I have been so busy lately with work and studies that I hardly have time to meet up with most of them and I am really terribly sorry about it!!!! Well, at least I have 1 month to enjoy myself before the next semester starts and the nightmare RETURNS!!!! Oh no..........................................don't want to even go there......

Alrighty...back to studying now.....ciaos!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL MY CLASSMATES!!!!! GAMBATEK LADIES!!!!

Michie off to bed at 11:19 PM Photobucket