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Thursday, June 23, 2011Y

I was at the CommunicAsia today and was walking around the exhibition hall when I came by Nokia booth. They have a new app called MoloMe, it's a software to take photos, it can help you with fun shooting, applying magical filters and we can share the photos with our friends on MOLOME.

MOLOME is now available to download Ovi store or directly from it's website - http://molo.me/
So what are you waiting, quickly download and have loads of fun taking photos and editing it on the spot and uploading it to share with friends.
HAVE FUN!! :-)

Michie off to bed at 11:27 PM Photobucket

Wednesday, July 08, 2009Y
Just another day.....

My business management exam has finally passed!! First I was stressed over the exam now I am stressed over the results!! Oh god.......I hope I can pass, don't hope for any super good results but as long a pass, I really do not want to re-sit for the paper againz....... :-(

Now have started to revise for QM, have to just remember the steps of all the problems and hopefully my mind doesn't go blank again the moment I step into the room, hate it when it happens all the time!!!! Waste my time studying......crap!! After QM this Friday, I will be doing revision again for the final paper for this semester which is ECONS!!!! My most hated subject....hate all the demand and supply shit!!

Anyhow, can't wait for this semester to end faster!!! All the revision and exams is really draining me out already....I NEED A BREAK DESPERATELY!!!!!

Why do some people just won't grow up???? It can be very irritating........

Michie off to bed at 12:12 AM Photobucket

Saturday, July 04, 2009Y

Since I have not blog for about a month now, I shall do it since I am tired of studying for my exams especially BM!!!! Have been studying since morning 10am till now 11pm when I decided I shall have a break!!!! I need a break, my brains need a break, my eyes need a break every part of me needs a break before I collapsed!! I wish I could just go on a long long holiday now and never come back to Singapore!!!!!

Firstly, the weather here is damn hot and I seriously mean it!!!! Even after I shower, I will still sweat BIG TIME!!!! I HATE THE WEATHER IN SINGAPORE!!!!

Plus in the last few week, someone contacted me which I never expected to ever contact me and told me things which made my heart felt so sweet again but in the next couple of days, it all DISAPPEARED!!!! I was stupid enough to believe guys who are such a JERK once again!! Well, do not want to talk about it anymore since I have decided to forget whatever has happen and I have told that person not to ever msg me EVER AGAIN!!!! If you msg me again, I swear you will suffer badly under my hands and make sure you ROT IN HELL!!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?? FUCK OFF!!!!

Ok, I need to learn how to breathe and not get all so worked up over some jackass!! Anyway, I am working very hard towards my goals and waiting very patiently for it to happen!! I can't wait.....and I am also waiting very patiently for my coming 3 exams to pass faster, getting very stressed up with the modules because I hate 2 modules which is Business Management and Economics whereas I am still quite ok with Quantative Methods......!!!!

I would need to continue studying for BM till the late hours and continue again tomorrow and on Monday....2pm will be my dooms day!!! Hahaha.......well 2pm will be the start of my dooms day actually till 5pm......wish me LUCK!!!! I would need all the luck I can get.......

I have already started planning that after my 3 exams, I would want to go out and have loads of fun with all my close friends, be it catching a movie, dinner, drinking coffee, go to the beach and chill...whatever as long I get to spend time with my friends!! I have been so busy lately with work and studies that I hardly have time to meet up with most of them and I am really terribly sorry about it!!!! Well, at least I have 1 month to enjoy myself before the next semester starts and the nightmare RETURNS!!!! Oh no..........................................don't want to even go there......

Alrighty...back to studying now.....ciaos!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL MY CLASSMATES!!!!! GAMBATEK LADIES!!!!

Michie off to bed at 11:19 PM Photobucket

Thursday, June 04, 2009Y
Something meaningful......(学会幸福)


2、后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪.后悔是比损失更大的损失 ,比错误更大的错误.所以不要后悔
3、我不去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程 ; 我不去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影
5 、生命中,不断地有人离开或进入。于是,看见的,看不见的;记住的,遗忘了。生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失?


7、 <<和平年代>>里的话:当幻想和现实面对时,总是很痛苦的。要么你被痛苦击倒,要么你把痛苦踩在脚下


9 、每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易:被习惯所掩盖,被时间所……



12 、你出生的时候,你哭着,周围的人笑着;你逝去的时候,你笑着,而周围的人在哭!一切都是轮回!!!! 我们都在轮回中!!!!


14 、快乐要有悲伤作陪,雨过应该就有天晴。如果雨后还是雨,如果忧伤之后还是忧伤.请让我们从容面对这离别之后的离别。微笑地去寻找一个不可能出现的你!


16 、也许有些人很可恶,有些人很卑鄙。而当我设身为他想象的时候,我才知道:他比我还可怜。所以请原谅所有你见过的人,好人或者坏人


18 、令狐冲说'有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。

19、如果朋友让你生气,那说 明 你仍然在意他的友情

20、如果敌人让你生气,那说 明 你还没有胜他的把握

21、世上的姑娘总以为自己是骄傲的公主(除了少数极丑和少数极聪 明 的姑娘例外)

22 、智慧的代价是矛盾。这是人生对人生观开的玩笑



25 、记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的

Michie off to bed at 10:58 PM Photobucket

Thursday, February 12, 2009Y

The time passes very fast, soon it's gonna be Valentine's Day. Will be spending it with my girlfriends, well they said it will be a whole day of dining, shopping and maybe movie?? Not really sure how is the day plan but will be meeting them on Saturday to enjoy ourselves!!

Always wanted to know who are my true friends and who can I really trust?? I always thought they were my closest and best friends. We used to be close that is what I thought maybe all this while no one has ever take me as their closest friend or best friend, it's just my wishful thinking!!

All I really want is true friends, who I can trust, who share my happiness and unhappiness with me. In order to have true friends, both parties have to play a part to keep the friendship going, I can't always be the one to keep contacting and holding on to the friendship like as if I am the only one that cares for our friendship!!!! Not sure what happen but feels like our friendship is dying off.......

Don't know but feel that all this while I never had real and true friends be it my outside friends or even at work place. I always take people as my friends once I can click with them but I think that is not how it works with people.

I can't trust no one at all now!! Thinks that everyone is hiding something from me and they have something up their sleeves, thinking of back-stabbing me, thinking of hurting me and all possible things they can do to me. Maybe I am thinking too much.......not sure but have a strong feeling someone is talking bad about me behind my back............

Don't want to think anymore for now, getting the headache......off to bed........

Michie off to bed at 9:51 PM Photobucket

Sunday, February 01, 2009Y
1st Chinese Post

今天我 7.30am 就起床了,还以为今天要做功。我应该想功太多了,要变疯了。我做了早餐给我的家人,吃完了,妈妈跟姐姐就去Carrefour 买东西而我在家看电视。

看完电视了,我就去准备去 Melinda 的家。我们玩了几圈的 poker, 我跟 Rachelle 才赢了一块。。哈哈哈。。。玩了我们就饿了,Melinda 就炸了一点东西给我们吃。


从 Melinda 的家,我陪 Rachelle 去 Bishan 走走,她想买几件裙,陪她我也买了衣服。。遭了我又花钱了。。。我从 Bishan 去 Great World City 跟我妈妈集会,我们去看电影 "Love Matters",真的很好笑。看完了就回家,隔天姐姐跟Stevie就要出国了。。


Michie off to bed at 12:55 AM Photobucket

Friday, January 30, 2009Y
Chinese New Year

Well, we had our usual CNY reunion dinner on the eve of Chinese New Year at home. Helped mom prepare all the food stuffs for steamboat and mom made some steamed fish which supposed to meant "Nian Nian You Yu" and everyone must finish up the fish. She make some Ngoh Hiang as well, I love mom's Ngoh Hiang!!!! It was damn tasty that it even made her friend who was a vegetarian for over few years into eating it one day in Moscow!!! So you can imagine how tasty it was........yummie!!!!!

Before we had steamboat, we did the LOU HEI!! We didn't buy a big portion but still can't finish it. Every year we never finish our Lou Hei......next year must finished it....my aunty said so...not good to throw it away......damnz!! We have been doing that every year...........LOL......

After our Lou Hei, we had our steamboat, I realised our steamboat dinner always don't last for hours, we are always done within 15 mins to 30 mins...hahahahaha.....this time round all of us try to eat as slow as we can and take our time, the steamboat also ended within 40 mins....LOL...think we eat too fastvbut we sat around the table to chit chat and joke around before clearing up all the plates and dishes........

I didn't do much for this year Chinese New Year because my friend wasn't in town so there was no visiting of friends this year. So mostly, I was at home watching TV, sleeping and snacking on the CNY goodies!!! My mom didn't realised she bought alot of CNY goodies till I keep taking them all out....hahahaha.....

My uncle came over on the 1st day of CNY to have lunch, dinner and played manjong till 2am!! I don't believe it how they can take it. I went out at about 11pm to have coffee with my friends at Paragon CoffeeBean, they wanted to go cineleisure for coffee but it was too crowded. Didn't expect so many people to be out on the 1st day of CNY, expected them to do their visiting and gambling at home or relatives place...well think this year abit different. Anyway, we ended up at Coffeebean, chat till about 2am plus and went home to wash up and sleep, that's when I saw my stepdad, uncle and aunty still playing MJ!!!! I can salute them already, damn power...I play for a couple of mins, my eyes will be closing and I will be yawning already. Don't like to play MJ at all, friends has been coaxing me to play with them everytime......hahahahaha........see how la....

On the 2nd day, we were supposed to go KTV for singing but everyone was feeling lazy so it was cancelled!! Anyway, we had our 2nd CNY dinner at Royal China in Raffles Hotel. They have created a special menu for CNY which is so limited and sucky!! And the meal cost us $300 bucks plus....can't remember how much and all the portion of the food is so damn small!!! Don't know why this time round the food is sucky and expensive, could be the CNY season!! Anyway, their dim sum is better than their lunch and dinner menu......prefer their dim sum!!

This was the best, I was getting ready and putting up my favourite sign - V and my stepdad said "haiya....you always do that, put that down or do something else"....hahahaha...I just started laughing and that's why I ended up taking that pose......LOL....even my stepdad knows me so well.....hehe....After dinner, we headed home and I had to prepare for work the next day.

This week at work was a pretty busy one for the admin girls because we had to help re-arrange some of the things in the office, wiping of dusty tables, our usual data-entry and postings. Finally, all is done by today, office looks abit neater and cleaner I should say and looks a little different. Well, a new year for everyone, hope everyone will have a smooth year ahead!! Although it's going to be a tough year because of the bad crisis but of course I hope everyone can pull through it!!! Gambatek!!!!

Had a bad day yesterday, wasn't feeling very happy inside but I was ok at office. The moment it was at night, my mood suddenly change, don't know what is wrong. Well, I was in a bad mood, someone just had to irritate me further and I think I snap at the person. I didn't do it on purpose but we were having a proper conversation everytime and then suddenly the person just have to make the whole conversation so confusing, hard to understand and I always end up getting confused and blur about it........

Anyway, don't want to talk about it, 不懂为什麽昨天我会这麽生你的气。我怎么了?不要跟我讲, 难道我真的慢慢有一点点喜欢你?? OMG....it can't be true.......I am thinking too much....I am off to bed now......and have a nice sleep and not going to think about anything else already......

Some random photos below taken at Jennis's Wedding, Standard Chartered Marathorn Run 2008, farewell party for my MD and my new hair style!!

Michie off to bed at 11:00 PM Photobucket